Zero is the main protagonist of Drakengard 3, an enigmatic and powerful Intoner with a singular mission: to kill her five sisters, the other Intoners. Known for her fierce combat skills and ruthless demeanor, Zero is driven by a hidden motive that slowly unfolds throughout the story. She possesses a mysterious flower growing out of her right eye, which is the source of her power. Zero's personality is abrasive, cynical, and often violent, but she shows a softer side in her interactions with her dragon companion, Mikhail. Her journey is marked by intense battles, personal revelations, and the unveiling of deep-seated secrets that drive her relentless quest.
Mikhail is Zero's loyal dragon companion, distinct from other dragons in the series due to his childlike innocence and naivety. Despite his immense power, Mikhail often exhibits a playful and curious demeanor, contrasting sharply with Zero's harshness. He is deeply attached to Zero, viewing her as a protector and guide. Mikhail's pure-hearted nature often brings moments of levity and warmth to the otherwise dark and violent narrative. Throughout the game, Mikhail grows both physically and emotionally, becoming a crucial ally in Zero's mission.
One is the eldest of the Intoner sisters and serves as the primary antagonist. She is a composed and intelligent leader who believes in her divine mission to rule and bring order to the chaotic world. One views herself as a benevolent ruler whose authority is necessary for the greater good. She perceives Zero's actions as a direct threat to the stability and order she strives to maintain. One's motivations are complex, blending a genuine desire for peace with a ruthless determination to eliminate any opposition, including her own sister.
Two is one of the Intoner sisters, known for her kind and gentle nature. She rules her domain with compassion and is adored by her people. However, beneath her sweet and nurturing exterior lies a fragile psyche prone to mental instability. Two's susceptibility to emotional breakdowns makes her both a sympathetic and tragic figure. Her internal struggles and vulnerability add depth to her character, contrasting with the power she wields as an Intoner.
Three is an eccentric and often detached Intoner with a peculiar fascination for dolls and grotesque creations. Her whimsical and aloof personality hides a darker side, as she takes pleasure in manipulating and controlling those around her. Three's creativity is expressed through her bizarre and often macabre constructs, reflecting her unique view of the world. Despite her seemingly scattered demeanor, she possesses a sharp mind and a cruel streak that make her a formidable adversary.
Four is a proud and noble Intoner who embodies purity and righteousness in the eyes of her followers. She is deeply committed to her duties and strives to maintain a facade of perfection. However, Four is plagued by insecurities and jealousy, particularly towards her sisters. These hidden feelings of inadequacy and envy drive much of her internal conflict, making her character a study in contrasts between her public persona and private turmoil.
Five is the youngest Intoner, characterized by her hedonistic and indulgent lifestyle. She revels in pleasure, luxury, and the admiration of others, often shirking her responsibilities. Five's carefree and sensual demeanor masks a manipulative and cunning mind, capable of using her charm to achieve her desires. Her pursuit of self-gratification and power highlights her selfishness and moral ambiguity, making her a complex and intriguing character.
Cent is one of Zero's disciples, known for his verbosity and tendency to exaggerate his achievements. Despite his habit of bragging and embellishing his stories, Cent is deeply loyal to Zero and dedicated to her cause. His combat skills and unwavering commitment make him a valuable ally. Cent's personality provides both comic relief and moments of genuine heroism, adding layers to his character.
Octa is another of Zero's disciples, distinguished by his lecherous behavior and obsession with women. Despite his often inappropriate and distracting antics, Octa is a skilled fighter with a deep sense of loyalty to Zero. His combat prowess and unwavering dedication balance his more frivolous tendencies, making him a multifaceted character.
Decadus is a disciple known for his masochistic tendencies, finding pleasure in enduring pain and suffering. His disciplined and formal demeanor contrasts with his unconventional desires. Decadus's unwavering dedication to Zero and his willingness to endure any hardship for her make him a unique and compelling character. His complex relationship with pain and loyalty adds depth to his persona.
Dito is a young and sadistic disciple who takes pleasure in causing pain and suffering. His cruel and twisted personality is driven by a deep admiration for Zero's strength and ruthlessness. Despite his dark tendencies, Dito is fiercely loyal to Zero and eager to prove his worth. His sadism and loyalty create a character that is both disturbing and intriguing, adding tension and unpredictability to the group dynamics.